Friday, February 26, 2010


Today is a WONDERFUL day!!! First off today is Friday! That is always awesome! Secondly I woke up early was able to take a nice long bath and even had time to make Tyler breakfast in bed

I am here at work and I actually don't mind it today:)
Hope everyone has a great day!!!
P.S here is a pic of Payton in her new stunner shades!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fun with Maddi

Yesterday Payton was playing with her cousin Maddi. She loves Maddi so much!! I think she likes her more than me! lol I had to get a few pics of the cuties!!

Have a great day!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy V-Day!

I hope everyone had a good weekend!!! Ours was busy as usual... Saturday we went shopping all day. Tyler got alot of new tools that he is super excited about! I had to laugh at him a few times, he was just so excited lol. That night we watched my little bro while my parents went out. We got pizza and rented some movies and had fun! After that Kaitlyn and David came over and we decided that we wanted to buy a wii... So the hunt began it was late so we just went to walmart and the game stores in Tooele.... NOTHING!! So we decided we would continue our search sunday morning and NOTHING in salt lake at all!! We were super bummed but we are still determined to get one :) We didn't do much for Valentines Day just hung out with my man and my moose and that is better than anything else!!
Here is a pic of me and Tyler when we first started dating! I love him very much and so grateful to have him in our lifes!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

talking, listening and sippy cups

Payton has been able to say a few words for a while now but it is mostly jibber jabbish but recently she has been doing really well! You tell her to say a word and she gets very close she gets all the sounds right! She is also very good at listening we can be in the living room and I tell her to go put her shoes away and she will go pick up her shoes go to her room and put them in the place they go! Also she is starting to quit the bottle... She took a sippy cup super easy and doesn't even need a bottle to go to bed! Let's just hope potty training is this easy:)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Payton and her man:)

So my friends little boy Karson just turned one and we went to his party and Payton loves him! She loves to give kisses to everyone! She tried kissing him but he wasn't liking that to much lol here is a cute pic of the two! They both are just so dang cute!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Growing up so fast!

I love the stage that Payton is in she is getting in to everything and playing with friends! I love waiting to see what she will do next.. The other day I was cleaning in the kitchen and I had put her in the living room with her toys. I could hear her talking and laughing about 15 min went by and I went to go see what she was doing and this is what I found

Payton had kicked Marley out of his bed and decided to make a bed for her babies! She was talking to them and giving the one baby a binki

Here she is covering them up to make them all snug and warm

She decided to jump in and take a nap with them! I love my little moose so much! I love this age that she is at! It is so much fun and I am so glad that I am her mommy!